Here's what's happening at Richard Partridge Wines (10/19/15 edition) October 19 2015
Hi Friends,
October is off to a great start! We had an excellent time at the Newport Beach Wine and Food Festival, and we think this year was even better than last, which is saying a lot.
Saturday's events were bathed in sunshine, and the gorgeous coastal decor and fresh flowers were a great accompaniment to the gourmet restaurant offerings and rows of quality wineries.
A pleasant surprise was how many guests came through from last year who recognized myself and/or the wines (let's be honest, the real star here is the wine!), and our conversations picked up right where they left off. It's really the personalized feeling of the whole NBWFF that keeps us coming back each year.
On Sunday morning, I awoke a few hours before the event to pouring rain! Drought be darned, Mother Nature had a different plan in store for us. I made my way to Newport Beach and found that the vendors under the big white tents were unscathed (us included), so the show went on!Sunday turned out to be another great day, and rain free past 10 a.m.! I made a point to try more of the food vendors on Sunday, and the quality, the presentation, and the passion that goes into each of the vendor's offerings is something to be admired. I love having an arsenal of great local restaurants that I've tested and enjoyed, this will make for a fun year of dining out!
Now that we are sufficiently hungry, we hope your October is moving along spooktacularly! Talk to you soon.
Jessica Stock
National Sales Manager
Richard Partridge Wines is donating 10% of every sale made during the month of October to the Breast Cancer Research Fund ( Join us in helping this wonderful organization. SHOP NOW